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What is Hypothyroidism in children? If the thyroid gland does not make ...
insulin pump

Teplizumab FDA Approval for Type 1 Diabetes

Teplizumab's recent FDA approval brings hope to the type 1 diabetes community, ...
living with acquired hypothyroidism

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Acquired Hypothyroidism

When the body can't produce an adequate supply of hormones, it can ...
hypothyroidism in kids

Hypothyroidism in Kids: A Complete Guide for Concerned Parents

Every parent wants their kid to be healthy, but it can be ...

What is Euthyroid Sick Syndrome?

Euthyroid sick syndrome, or ESS, is a state in which the thyroid ...

Hormone Imbalance in Teens: What Parents Should Know

The body goes through changes that are mediated by hormones at a ...
understanding pediatric diabetes

Understanding Pediatric Diabetes: Causes, Symptoms, & Management

Are you concerned that your child might have diabetes? Understanding pediatric diabetes ...